Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Why an organization should implement an in person group facilitated Essay

Why an organization should implement an in person group facilitated patient orientation program for patients diagnosed with cancer - Essay Example own that such stress of the potential patients attending in an outpatient cancer clinic can be amplified by several factors experienced in such clinics. Some of these are long waiting time, lack of information, absence of psychosocial care, and paucity of communication between care personnel and the patients. Stress in such situations can be ameliorated considerably since part of this stress is self-inflicted, part due to reasons that may be corrected or reverted, and part real. Moreover stress can impact the outcome in such patients in case a positive diagnosis may be made. If an intervention can be designed and implemented which can alleviate this stress of first-time visit to a outpatient cancer clinic, it could be instrumental in generating better patient outcome and client satisfaction which may align to the organizational goal of providing quality care to such patients through measures which have positive benefits over costs incurred (Gallant and Coutts, 2003). With the background that such patients have several physical, psychological, and educational challenges leading to considerable negative emotions, an intervention can be designed which employs principles of group psychology and educational approaches with the aim to ameliorate stress and negative emotions. At the minimal level, the goal may be to facilitate information exchange where facilities of treatment, actual nature of the disease, available resources at different stages of the management so the patients at least can be assured about the positive aspects that can be accessed, and the patients may be encouraged to conquer the fear about the unknown. These pieces of information can be graphically designed in the form of a printed handbook and all can be recorded in an interactive DVD. The patients who are not able to attend in person can access these if the hospital authority mails this along with the handbook to the prospective patient who demonstrates interests. The sessions m ay occur in the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Applied business ethics seminar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Applied business ethics seminar - Essay Example It is from moral business behaviours that ethical leaders are created. She has made a very valid point, therefore, stating that the two elements should go hand in hand. From her point of view, her tax-evasion schemes are legal and irreproachable. She has clearly stated that she plays by the rules without breaking them. It does not, therefore, prevent her from being a moral person. Her schemes for tax evasion are all legal and within the bounds of the law and saves the company a lot of money. However, these are witty schemes of evading paying taxes and should not be applauded. On the weights of codes, such conduct presents a grey area. Mei-Hua, in a position of a senior manager, is not particularly setting the right example. She is an ethical leader, but business morals are somewhat compromised by her schemes that raise questions towards the same. Deshi is very distasteful about the whole concept of ethics and codes. He also describes them as a document you signs to â€Å"stop you from making money.† They are also documents that you sign to stop you from making money and in addition, they appear to him as guidelines that almost no one in the real business world is clear to follow. Deshi completely disregards the importance of codes of corporate governance. His views may have the benefits of maximizing profit by use of even shrewd means. However, without a code, business would be near to impossible. Deshi has a point in identifying the disparity between what is in the pages of Codes and Ethics and real practice. The codes and ethics seem to be formality documents while actual practice depicts otherwise. He is keen to note that most western companies say one thing but means something else. He implies that even when these documents are signed, most of the businesses do not regard them as their goal is to create profitable, successful businesses. Deshi has had experience in the real world of business. He discovered that no one really